pink-about-it-breast-cancer-awareness-campaign | Virtail

According to BreastCancer.Org, one out of every eight women will develop Breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. More than 2 million women are affected by breast cancer every year leading to the highest number of cancer-related deaths among women.

October being the Breast Cancer Awareness month brand Virtail aims to spread awareness and instil hope among women with its message-

“Where there is awareness, there is hope”

Virtail’s ‘Pink About Us’ campaign encourages individuals to not give up on Hope. It urges women across the world to take the first step which is getting themselves screened for early detection of Breast cancer. If breast cancer is detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 100%.

Virtail is collaborating with Pink Daisy Project, an outreach that provides women suffering from the dreaded disease with care and comfort and helps them cope through the nerve wracking and draining treatment phase.

Virtail intends to donate 10% of its website sales proceeds through the month of October to support this cause.

Read on to know how to identify breast cancer symptoms, how it can be detected early and recommendations for recovering cancer patients.

symptoms-of-breast-cancer | Virtail


The earlier you diagnose it, the better your chance of successful recovery! Check your breasts for any sort of unfamiliar change. This is especially essential once you cross your 40’s.

Change in the shape or size of the breast.

• Changes in the texture of skin i.e. puckering of skin (like an orange)

• Any lump that is thicker than the rest of the breast, either in the breast, armpit or upper chest.

• Any odd discharge from nipple.

Swelling or pain in your breast or armpit.

Rash, redness or crusting around or on the nipple.  

Usually, just pain in the breasts isn’t considered as a sign of breast cancer but if it is accompanied by any other symptoms, you need to see your doctor pronto. On that note pay attention to any pain that seems to be out of the ordinary and lasts for long.

Observing an odd change in or around your breast does not call for a panic attack. But it is important is that you get it checked. After all, prevention is better than cure.


If detected early and located only in the breast, the 5-year survival rate of breast cancer is 100%. Early detection of breast cancer includes monthly self-exams, annual mammograms and regular check-ups especially once you have crossed the age of 40.

While mammograms are great at detecting any invisible lumps and cancer, self-examinations help you familiarize yourself with the feel of your breasts so you notice even a subtle change immediately and can highlight the same to your doctor.

Breast-self-examination-cancer-awareness | Virtail

How can I check my breasts?

“Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.”, says Johns Hopkins Medical centre.

It's imperative that you be aware about your breasts and check them regularly- regardless of your age, shape or size.

Determine what is normal for you by looking at and feeling your breasts recurrently- when you’re taking your shower or even applying body lotion!

Understanding and getting familiar with the look and feel of your breasts will help you immediately identify anything that is out of the ordinary. Every woman’s breasts look and feel different - some might have asymmetrical breasts whereas some may have naturally lumpy ones, or both shaped differently.

So, when you are examining your breasts, be conscious of any changes that might have occurred- any change that feels different to you. Conduct a thorough, routine check starting all the way from the very bottom of your armpits right up to the collarbone.

Women recuperating from breast cancer are urged to follow set guidelines for good health like maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, exercising on a regular basis, regulating your diet, eating healthy and following screening recommendations to avoid recurrence.

established-risks-of-breast-cancer | Virtail

Here are some basic recommendations for women on their road to recovery:

• Physical activity is a must. Either 75 minutes of intense activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity every week.

• Quit tobacco consumption completely.

• Alcohol consumption shouldn’t exceed more than one drink per day.

• Eat healthy- more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and the like.

• Avoid calorie rich food and drinks.

• Women who have been through menopause and are on a hormonal therapy i.e. selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), should inform the doctor about any vaginal bleeding and have a yearly gynaecologic exam.

• Develop a cancer screening schedule, exercise and eating plan with the help of your doctor to ensure it suits your needs and requirements.

• Follow cancer screening recommendations.  

risk-of-breast-cancer | VirtailSource: Stephanie Eisele

We commend that every woman out there should be in touch with her body and be aware of the even the tiniest of changes. Awareness is crucial and it could help you eradicate the disease before it spreads.

Ergo, it is important for women all around the world to open up and speak and ask questions to ensure that this disease doesn’t affect them or their loved ones.

Come, be a part of ‘Pink About It’ by being aware and by spreading awareness to your own loved ones. Together we can help build a cancer-free world.

Goodbye ladies, and don’t forget to start that routine self-examinations. And, there is no better time than now!