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Lionesse beauty brand started as beauty bar concept – a one stop shop for all things beauty, way back in 2013, when beauty bars were all the rage. Over the span of a few years, the brand began to evolve, with a shift in focus to total skin care rather than being restricted to just beauty and hair.

Circa 2016, Lionesse Beauty Bar saw a paradigm change. From more than just the name which was changed to Lionesse, the spotlight was now on ‘beauty from the inside out’ and the brand's approach and goals were realigned. Original skin care products under the brand were also redesigned and perfected to what is today known as Lionesse’s luxury skin care line.

Today, Lionesse has established itself as a global beauty brand known for its high end, luxurious range of hair and skin care products, designed to meet daily needs.

From exceptional hair care and hair styling tools to skin care products under the Lionesse Gem skin care line, the brand is a celebration of womanhood and an acknowledgment of the vulnerability and ferocity that together make up a woman. A woman who feels deeply and loves fiercely; a woman who is both soft and powerful. In short a Lionesse woman.

Brand Lionesse encompasses - 

  • Beauty with Spirit
  • Luxurious Product Range
  • Shimmering Radiance

Face your fears and work your ferocity with Lionesse